Concerned Citizens Mobilizing to
At the end of the April 12th, 2023 board meeting (1:12:29 on the video), Supervisor Baisley stated that a
Public Meeting will be held on Tuesday, April 25 at 4 pm at Town Hall
The architects for the town hall/police/courts project will make a presentation and answer questions; members of the public may bring suggestions for alternative sites to be discussed. Afterward, the supervisor stated that a “working group” will be formed to discuss paths forward. It may include members of the public (“contractors” were mentioned) and its meetings will be open to the public. Board member Stephan Krakower (Ward 5) stated that the working group would be advisory and would not make formal recommendations.
Do you want to help?
We think all Town of Poughkeepsie residents have a voice. To get news and updates sign up to add your signature to the petition if it goes forward, spread the word, and/or volunteer to help collect signatures.
Tax Hike Planned
The Town of Poughkeepsie Supervisor has stated there will be a new presentation and a vote “soon” on whether to borrow $48 million to create a “municipal campus” (town hall/police station) at the Poughkeepsie Day School site on the corner of Spackenkill and Boardman Roads.
This will raise residential property taxes by 10%
This will raise residential property taxes by 10-13% while the town repays the 25-year loan plus interest and debt service ($3 million per year). It will raise small business taxes even more since business tax rates are higher.
Property Tax Hike = Rent Hike
It will hike housing costs whether or not you own your home and will have a severe impact on fixed-income residents.
We DO need a new police station because 26 years ago the board located the current station (Tucker Dr.) on a landfill and it’s sinking into the ground. However, there are multiple better, less expensive sites to support our police.
We do NOT need a new town hall. Nothing is wrong with the current town hall on Overocker Road. Town board members do not need new offices in a mansion with fireplaces and fancy paneling.
We Are The Town of Poughkeepsie, and we reject the immense cost of this proposal. We also note that:
The proposed site contradicts the town’s own smart-growth master plan. Other sites for a new police station could put police employees and visitors in walking distance of local retail and restaurants to strengthen small businesses; the Spackenkill / Boardman plan will not do this.
The plan will sharply increase traffic on Spackenkill and Boardman Roads, a residential area where traffic safety is already a huge issue.
The cost implications of this proposal were developed behind closed doors and the proposed bond for $54.82 million did not appear until three days before the November board meeting. When the board proposes a 10% + tax hike, the public needs to have a say.
If a majority of board members vote yes, we residents can petition for a referendum so voters get to decide on this spending. If a vote is taken, we would need to collect and deliver 700+ signatures of town voters within 30 days to force a referendum, which would take place within 90 days afterward.